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October 11, 2024



Navigating Uncertainty: A Proactive Approach for the Future

Unless you live in the depths of the Saharan desert with no access to modern communication, it’s hard to ignore the current situation in France and around the world. Everywhere, crises are unfolding one after another, and everyone is asking themselves questions, wondering what will happen in the coming months and years.

Economic challenges, political upheavals, social tensions, and climate change intertwine in a complex web where uncertainty reigns supreme. This unstable climate tests our resilience and our ability to anticipate the future. How can we navigate this shifting landscape? What strategies should we adopt not only to survive but also to thrive in an ever-changing environment?

These questions become crucial for those seeking to build a solid and sustainable future, whether on a personal, professional, or societal level. In the face of this complexity, one certainty emerges: the solution is unlikely to come from outside, but from within ourselves.

The impact on personal and professional life

It is legitimate to wonder whether this situation will affect our lifestyle, our level of success, our personal or professional projects. Whether you are an employee, entrepreneur or self-employed, the question remains the same: How can you prepare for uncertainty and protect your future?

The answer may lie in a memorable article written by Jacques Attali in 2014. He gives us this simple yet powerful advice:

“Act as if you no longer expect anything from politics.”

This seemingly provocative phrase invites us to take control of our destiny. Attali wisely concludes:

“My recommendation to each of my readers is clear: act as if you no longer expect anything from politics. And, in particular, as if you expect only the worst from the upcoming government. And even worse from those that follow, regardless of their political affiliation…”


I completely share his point of view. Attali advocates ideas that lay the foundation for any long-term success. Regardless of your current situation, it is wise to rely solely on your own resources to improve it. Expecting nothing from others, especially from authorities, is the key to freeing oneself from external dependency.

The importance of personal initiative

Taking action on your own, without waiting for external circumstances, is about taking control of your life. You must act as if you expect nothing from circumstances or from anyone else. The reason is simple:

If you succeed independently of the government’s actions, its failures will have no impact on your success.

If the government manages to improve the situation, you benefit twice, enjoying both your own efforts and the favorable circumstances.

In any case, you optimize your chances of success. Act as if the government’s actions are completely irrelevant. Focus on what you can control, on the actions you can take right now, without depending on the decisions of others.

Reflection on the real influence of the government

It is time to reflect on the real impact the government has on our lives. Often, we place too much importance on political decisions, believing they directly determine our success or failure. However, in the vast majority of cases, these decisions are outside of our circle of influence. We do not control fiscal policy decisions or economic reforms. We can only experience their consequences, whether good or bad.

State institutions generally have very little direct impact on our daily lives. Certainly, they influence the broader framework, but it is our personal decisions and our ability to adapt that make the difference.

The Circle of Concern, the Circle of Influence, and the Circle of Control

To better understand this dynamic, Stephen Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, suggests visualizing our concerns in the form of three circles.

  • The Circle of Concern: It encompasses everything that worries us, from personal problems to major global crises like geopolitical conflicts, natural disasters, or economic recessions. Paradoxically, this circle contains elements over which we have no direct control. Spending too much time dwelling on it leads to frustration.

  • The Circle of Control: This smaller circle represents the aspects of our lives over which we have direct control. These are the decisions we can make immediately to influence our daily lives. For example, improving our skills, changing careers, adopting a healthier routine, etc.

  • The Circle of Influence: This is the middle circle, between our concerns and our direct control. It contains everything we don’t directly control but can influence through our actions. For example, inspiring others, negotiating a better contract, or improving our professional relationships.

How to take action and become proactive? 

Focusing exclusively on the Circle of Concern inevitably leads to a negative spiral. On the other hand, focusing on the Circle of Control and the Circle of Influence allows you to enter a positive dynamic. Proactivity is the key to expanding your Circle of Influence.

Indeed, the more proactive you are, the more your Circle of Influence expands. This allows you to have an increasing impact on your environment. Every positive action you take strengthens your ability to influence your future. It’s the difference between being subjected to events and shaping them to your advantage.

Developing personal strategies

Here’s an interesting thought experiment: imagine that from the age of 7, you dedicate one hour each day to activities that truly excite you and have a positive impact on your future. Twenty years later, you find yourself in an enviable position, having acquired skills that others never even considered learning.

This idea can be applied at any age. It’s never too late to start investing in your personal development. Every minute invested in your personal or professional growth is one step closer to achieving your goals.

When you achieve your goals, it’s common to acquire additional resources at the same time: more money, enhanced skills, valuable experience, and a broader audience. This is a reality many leaders and entrepreneurs have experienced. Each success leads to another, creating a virtuous circle.

Developing a growth mindset

To go further, it is crucial to adopt a growth mindset. This philosophy, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, is based on the idea that our abilities are not fixed, but can be developed through effort, learning, and perseverance.

  • Keep learning continuously: Whether through reading, training, or discussions with mentors, never stop learning. Curiosity is a driving force that pushes you forward.

  • Take calculated risks: Innovation often stems from boldness. Dare to step out of your comfort zone to explore new opportunities.

  • Be resilient: Failures are part of the journey. What matters is your ability to bounce back and learn from them to move forward.


In conclusion, let us recall this excerpt from Jacques Attali’s article:

“Tomorrow, the world will belong to those who, today, have learned to stop expecting anything from anyone. From their parents. From their bosses. From their governments…”

Elon Musk perfectly embodies this spirit of initiative. This visionary has surpassed the expectations of society and governments to turn his ideas into realities. By creating companies like Tesla and SpaceX, he has proven that it is possible to combine innovative self-interest with altruism, while shaping the future. His journey perfectly illustrates the need to take charge of oneself in order to succeed in an uncertain world.

And you? What can you do today to take control of your future?

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